Tuesday, December 1, 2009


IAMGYPSYWOMAN. And i am here to express whatever POPS into my free mind. My world is filled with dreams, love, happiness, truth, rainbows, freedom, sighs, giggles, sex, musique, art, passion, dance, fashion, and oh so much more.

A little bit about myself...My name is Laycee, I am a free willing openly gay Sagittarius, symbolized by the Archer. I am impulsive and inquisitive, needing travel and constant exposure to new foods, people, landscapes and things to do. I want to travel the world in hopes to find a more spiritual reason for living...I will one day achieve that. Change is one thing I can't do without; I am a truth-seeker, and will go to the ends of the earth to find answers! I grab life with both hands so my spirit can flush with a vibrant life force that shines through me and invigorates everyone around me!

I have an intolerance for constraints and habits and at times i tend to argue just for the sake of argument because I sometimes think i am always right. Being a Sagittarius, we are charming folks who love to take a long drink from the cup of life and go dancing with the butterflies...rainbows...rainbows...rainbows. aha! I like to party hearty and span the globe ever searching, scheming, and dreaming about the adventure of a lifetime.

I love money and what i can buy with it-mainly fun and freedom! I am also generous to a fault and am eager to spread the wealth around. Good thing i have my sister around to calculate the damage, otherwise it would be overdraft time and i wouldn't even notice.

I want anyone and anything around me that will provide just a little more insight into life in general. I would love to make friends with people from all over the world and from every walk of life. I love the idea of having a companion, a friend or partner who can share in my quest for truth and adventure. I don't want to hear about your traveled stories, I want to be apart of them. I need to experience things first hand in order to have a good time. I seek to expand my mind and hopefully grasp the meaning of life along the way.

.........peace with the world and Freedom of expression !

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